Electronic Monitoring

Technology now makes it possible for employers to read employee email, track employee keystrokes on their computers, and even trace employee movements through GPS. Although many might believe that what we type, transmit, and post is private, courts have largely found otherwise.

Although there are some legal protections for employees who are fired based on their online statements, this isn’t always the case. And, if employees are using an employer’s equipment, courts have routinely held that employees have no privacy in their messages and posts.

Email, Social Networking, and Text Messages

Can I Be Fired For Something I Posted on My Facebook Page?
Employees have some protections against being Facebook-fired.

Resources on Electronic Monitoring

Your Rights in the Workplace
Learn about your workplace privacy rights in this essential guide from Nolo.

Smart Policies for Workplace Technologies
Written for managers and employers, this book provides policy options and legal rules for employee use of email, the Internet, smart phones, and more.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation
This nonprofit fights for digital rights — to privacy and freedom from censorship, among other things — and provides valuable online resources.

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